A little snapshot of what we do



Calypso Harland, Founder
Fintech Fringe Festival kicked off with it’s first event during London Tech Week 2023 with a unique programme focused on scaling and growing fintechs in the UK.

As well as being highly relevant for overseas delegations, it was designed to deliver insights to UK fintechs in high-growth mode. Read more about Fintech Fringe 2023.

It was a huge success and I’m proud to announce that it’s paved the way for a regular events programme. I am also happy to confirm that we will run Fintech Fringe Festival again in 2024 during London Tech Week with the full support of all of this year’s partners.

There are lots of fantastic events in the fintech industry, many focusing on technology and solutions. Our point of difference is focusing on scale and growth and delivering content that is function-led. By being role-specific, we hope we can support leaders accelerate not only an on individual level but subsequently drive impact across the organisation, fueling growth and market expansion.  

Fintech Fringe Forum, our new online platform, will deliver that always-on connection so that members can organically connect with peers and experts in a non-commercial setting to access the support and advice they need.

Collaboration is in our DNA. Please get in touch if you’d like to contribute in some way.


As well as our flagship event during London Tech Week 2024, we run a monthly event series called Rise & Shine which is sponsored by Rise, created by Barclays and focuses on delivering scaling insights for fintech leaders. 


Our Mastermind series is a new series of hour-long deep-dive sessions led by practitioners into a specific topic. We plan to hold this virtually on Forum every Friday morning from 10-11. Why not run a session? 


Fintech Fringe Forum is a new platform dedicated to supporting fintechs scale and grow by providing a place to connect with market-proven experts and peers, to share practical insights and find out what support is available.


We partner with myforte to deliver access to verified experts who have proven experience of delivering impact and results with other fintechs.  Find out who you could parachute in to support your growth. 


Join our Engage programme and we will make sure your companies are set up for success as they consider the UK as their next market.

The Engage programme is designed for overseas fintechs who want to gain all the essential insights about expanding into the UK. Starting with a virtual programme in late April, the mission will culminate in a market visit where companies are provided great opportunities to connect with customers, investors and experts who can support their next move.

Let’s discuss how we can support your plans for a successful trade mission.